Meet the Superyou Tech team

Kelvin Kong

Manager, Assistive Technology and Innovation
Occupational Therapist

Kelvin has a Bachelor of Human Biology (Preclinical) from Curtin University, and a Master of Occupational Therapy from Curtin University.

His speciality is anything innovative and technology related e.g. Robotics, VR, Gaming, Access, etc.

Kelvin joined Superyou Tech as an opportunity to join an organisation with an overarching ethos that values employees and is always looking at better ways of delivering therapy services!

Jessica Dickson

Principal Consultant, Assistive Technology
Occupational Therapist

Jessica is an experienced Occupational Therapist who is passionate about supporting people to find the best assistive technology for their needs.

A self-proclaimed "geek" Jessica has developed specialist knowledge in the area of "high tech" AT, particularly computer and smart device access, environmental controls and mounting.

Jessica also has a strong belief that communicating is a fundamental human right and works closely with speech pathologists to finding and developing the best access method for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), such as switch, eye gaze and touch screen skills.

With over 15 years experience working in the disability sector, Jessica has joined the Superyou Tech team to provide clinical advice and support to help take the guess work out of choosing the right AT.

When not at work Jess loves going on adventures with her husband, young children and dog Bailey in their caravan.

Tanith Brien

Principal Consultant, Assistive Technology
Speech Pathologist

Tanith is a Speech Pathologist with over 14 years experience in the disability sector, working with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). She is passionate about using assistive technology to support individuals to express themselves and build independence, social connections, academic achievements and more. 

Tanith has experience working with people with complex communication and access needs across a wide range of ages within home, school and community settings. She has also provided consultation at a school level to support access to and implementation of AAC and other assistive technology for communication, literacy and learning.

Tanith is pleased to have joined the Superyou Tech team to assist people in finding the right AT to communicate and access their world.